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Blog Editor


The Properties tab allows you to assign a title to your blog post. Blog posts may be prepared in advance of their release by specifying a future Publishing Date. Similarly, they can be removed from view automatically at a designated Removal Date.


The content itself can be edited using either the WYSIWYG editor or simply an HTML text field, depending on your preference.

The Summary Paragraph is optionally used on the main page and in the Recent Posts Block, along with the Featured or Thumbnail Image.


The Categories tab requires you to indicate in which blog categories your post should appear. A blog post may be listed in more than one category to increase the probability of your customers finding what they are looking for.


By default, the Title Bar inherits the post title you have specified. The Meta Description and Meta Keywords are automatically inherited from the default values specified in Settings.

For developers comfortable with JavaScript, additional code may be added in the text fields provided.

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