Ecommerce Blog

17 April 2013  |  Cate
How to set up multiple shipping methods

Bluepark's highly flexible shipping feature allows you to create multiple shipping methods for local and global customers.

18 February 2013  |  Rich
The importance of 301 redirects

Changing a web page's URL can cause damage to your site's SEO if you don't tell Google about the change. Find out why and how Bluepark helps you to create 301 redirects automatically to do this for you.

12 February 2013  |  Cate
The importance of call to action buttons

A call to action button gives clear, concise instructions to customers as to what they are supposed to do next on your site. Make sure your buttons are optimised for the best conversion rates with our handy guide.

9 January 2013  |  Cate
Featured Designer: ZigZag Design

Here at Bluepark we strive to offer the best in ecommerce software but in the background there are those unsung heroes that help our customers with creating brand new designs, re-designs, offering SEO advice and passing on their wealth of ecommerce experience. We are proud to recommend these companies and individuals to you and we hope to build up a bank of resources that you can dip into should you need someone to help you. Our first featured designer is Zigzag Design.

13 November 2012  |  Cate
Preparing your online shop for Christmas

The adverts have started on television, the songs are being piped into the high street shops and the supermarkets shelves are stuffed with chocolates, crackers and all sorts of festive goodies. It’s just no use, we can’t ignore it any longer, Christmas is on its way. According to Amazon, this year's Cyber Monday - the biggest day for online shopping in the UK - is going to be the 3rd December 2012. So, when it comes to optimising your site for the influx of gift shoppers, you need to be prepared.

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