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Product Categories

Build and Structure Your Catalogue

A category on the Bluepark system is simply a container for products of all kinds. Active categories will appear on the Catalogue menu, which is an automatically generated Block. However, inactive categories can still be linked to from anywhere on the site, meaning that you can link to a category from the Navigation Bar, the Information menu or even another site without having to feature it on the Catalogue menu. Categories may be an unlimited number of levels deep, and any product may be included in more than one category.

The Categories section allows you to traverse the tree structure. Categories containing sub-categories are marked clearly with black arrows. Active categories can be reordered using the green arrows.

The Private flag may be assigned to any root category. Private categories may only be viewed by customers having them manually assigned via the Customer Editor.

For more complex structures, a CSV file can be used to import categories by placing one complete category tree per row, with sub-categories extending out into the adjacent columns. It is also possible to export a CSV file containing the existing category structure.

In a similar way, it is possible to import and export complete category data using the category title path as the unique reference for each individual row.

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