
How to use the Bulk Product Editor

13 March 2025  |  Lisa

How to use the Bulk Product Editor

The Bulk Product Editor allows you to make changes to products, and their variants, in one go, directly from your admin panel. This is a great alternative to doing an import to make changes in bulk, and removes the need to do edit products manually one by one. With the Bulk Product Editor, you can set products to active or inactive, adjust prices by value or percentage, set them to discontinued, and even delete them.

We highly recommend you do a Full Backup product export before using the Bulk Product Editor. You can do this by going to Products > Export, then click Create Full Backup and download the CSV file. More information about product exports can be found on our guide How to import and export products.

Products Edit All

To use the Bulk Product Editor, go to Products > View All, and then click the Edit All button.

Products page with the Edit All button

A new section will appear underneath with two dropdowns. The first dropdown is where you select which group of products you are wanting to edit. The second dropdown contains a list of actions to use on the selected products.

Products page showing the dropdowns for the Product Bulk Editor

Select products to edit

In the first drop-down, you can select which products you want to edit in one of two ways:

  • With Selected - Will edit the products* that are selected by the checkboxes to the right of each product. You can select all the products on the page by ticking the very top box in the column header. This is best used if you just need to edit only a few products at a time.
  • With Results - Will edit all products* that are refined from your product list using the drop-down filters at the top left or searched via the Search box at the top middle. This also is useful is you want to edit multiple pages of results as well. Examples of this would be targeting a certain category (All Products filter), a specific Supplier (Search feature) and/or Inactive (Visibility: All) products.
Bulk Product Editor selector options

*If a product contains variants with their own individual selling prices, all variant prices will be adjusted when using the increase/decrease action. To manage variant price increases/decreases separately, tick Show variants at the top right of the product list and select the individual variants you want to edit.

Select an action to apply

After you've selected your products, choose which action to use. Below are the actions you can do and how to use them:

  • Set as Active / Set as Inactive - Select this action to make products active or inactive.
  • Increase price by % / Increase price by £ - Select this action to increase selling price by percentage or value. When selecting these options, a Value field will appear next to the dropdown to input a numerical value - there's no need to add a currency or percentage sign. For example, to increase the selling price by 50p, choose Increase price by £ and input 0.50 into the value field.
  • Decrease price by % / Decrease price by £ - Select this action to decrease selling price by percentage or value. When selecting these options, a Value field will appear next to the dropdown to input a numerical value - there's no need to add a currency or percentage sign. For example, to decrease selling price by 50p, choose Decrease price by £ and input 0.50 into the value field.
  • Mark up price from cost by % - Select this action to set the product's selling price as a percentage increase from the cost price.
  • Mark down price from list by % - Select this action to set the product's selling price as a percentage decrease from the list price.
  • Set as discontinued / Unset discontinued - Select this action to set the products to discontinued or not discontinued.
  • Delete - Select this acton to permanently delete a product. Please use with caution.
Bulk Product Editor actions

Review and Go

Finally, after selecting your products, and choosing the action to apply, review everything is correct and click the Go button. A green banner will appear with information on what has been processed and updated for verification.

Bulk Product Editor processed message banner

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