
How to edit orders

3 March 2025  |  Cate

How to edit orders before they're shipped

With any online shop, orders sometimes need to be changed before they're shipped. For example, a customer may decide they want two of something, instead of one, and they've requested this via the Customer Questions feature. In Bluepark, the best way to make changes to an order is using our Remote Control feature, which is accessed within the customer's order.

Editing an order via Remote Control

To edit an order, in Orders, click to edit the order, so you are in the Order Processor and then follow these steps.

  • Click the green pencil Edit icon at top right of the Order Processor.
  • Click the green mouse Remote Control icon at top right of the Order Editor.

Edit orders by clicking on the Remote Control icon

You will now be viewing the basket of that order on your website and will see a green bar at the top. This bar shows that you are in Remote Control mode, and displays the email address of the customer and the number of the order you're editing. On the right of the bar is an End Session link, which can be clicked on to exit the order, if needs be. The Bluepark icon next to it will take you back to the admin panel.

An order showing the Remote Control bar at the top

Order changes you can make

Once you're in the order in Remote Control mode, you can increase or decrease the quantity of each product in the quantity field, as well as removing products by clicking the Bin icon to the far right of each one. You can also add other products to the basket by going to the relevant product page and clicking the add to basket button.

Edit the price of products or delivery within the order

Within the basket, you can also amend any monetary value that is underlined, such as the product price or the delivery cost. To edit a value, just click on it and it will change to an editable field, where you can type in the new value. To confirm the change, press the Enter key on your keyboard and you'll see the total cost amend. At this point, you can also add or remove a coupon code and change the delivery method, if needed.

Confirming the changes

Once, you've finished making the changes in the basket, you need to complete the checkout again. Until this is done, the order will stay unchanged within Orders in the admin panel. To do this follow these steps.

  • Click on the Checkout button at the bottom of the basket.
  • Make any necessary changes in step one of checkout and click on Submit & Continue.
  • Once in step 2, make a note of the increased or decreased value of the order.
  • Click on the Commit Changes button.

Commit the cahnges you've made to the order

You will now have reached the last page of checkout, where it will show that the changes have been saved. The green bar at the top will have changed to red and you can click the End Session link on top right to exit the Remote Control mode.

Confirming the order changes have been saved

Monetary value changes

It is important to understand that, as Bluepark doesn't store the customer's payment information, any monetary change will need to be done after the changes have been made. So, if the order has decreased in value, you'll need to do the refund via your payment gateway.

If you're using Elavon (excluding deferred), Stripe, PayPal Commerce Platform, or Braintree, you can do the refund within the Order Processor in Bluepark. Simply click on the Refund button at the top, type in the amount you need to refund, and click Save. If you're using any other payment gateway, you'll need to log into their platform and process the refund there.

The Refund button in the Order Processor

If the order has increased in value, you will need to request this extra amount externally. For all payment gateways, this will need to be done via their virtual terminal.

One helpful thing to remember, if you didn't make a note of the price change during checkout, you can always see this by clicking to view the Activity Log in the Order Processor. You will see the time and date the order was amended, who made the change, and the value it's changed by.

View the order price change via the Activity Log in the order

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